5 Unified Practice Features You May Not Be Using But Definitely Should

5 Unified Practice Features You May Not Be Using But Definitely Should

  • Unified Practice
  • February 27, 2020
  • 5 Min. To Read

Whether you’ve just signed up or have been using our all-in-one clinic management system for years, there’s a chance you may not be utilizing all the Unified Practice features available. From SMS reminders to our payment list report, there are several small but mighty features that will make a huge difference in how you streamline your clinic.

Here are five Unified Practice features you may not currently be using that you definitely should consider:

SMS reminders

Adding SMS text reminders to your patient communication is a great way to reduce late arrivals and no-shows, which, in turn, saves you time and money.

When you compare email reminders to text message reminders, it’s easy to see their success rate pales in comparison. How quickly emails are viewed often relies heavily on the time of day they are sent but a lot of other factors come into play, too, that are out of the sender’s control, like how often the recipient checks their email or if your emails are being filtered to a spam folder. With text messages, you can all but guarantee your patient will see your message. In fact, 90% of text messages are read within 3 seconds of being delivered. 

According to a study conducted by the University of Washington, medical professionals that used text message reminders saw an increase in appointment attendance, a decrease in missed appointments, and an increase in patients canceling ahead of time instead of not showing up. 

Through Unified Practice, text message reminders are triggered automatically based on how far in advance you want them to go out before an appointment. You can also see when text reminders were delivered as well as send reminders to practitioners and patients.

Inventory Management

If you sell any kind of physical product, using Unified Practice’s inventory management tool makes keeping up with your inventory easy.

Once you manually or automatically upload your inventory onto your system, you can edit the amounts and costs of each product as new shipments arrive, review the history of an item, and deactivate or reactivate a product at any time.

As you write and fill prescriptions, your herbal inventory will automatically update what and how much you have available so you can stay on top of replenishing herbs as needed.

By integrating your label maker, you can also print branded labels for prescriptions that feature what is being prescribed and instructions on how to use the herbs. 

Even if you don’t have herbal inventory, you can use the inventory tool to manage things like shipping costs, class passes, or branded merchandise.  

Credit Card Processor

Using a third-party credit card processor can be frustrating and costly. But, with Unified Practice’s integrated credit card processor, you can easily accept payments and make the checkout process for your patients seamless.

Our credit card processor stores payment details securely, allowing you to charge late cancellation and no-show fees per your policy, use one-click payment options, and quickly accept payments over the phone. And, funds will appear in your account in 2 business days.

Processing fees are deducted at the end of every month, giving you plenty of time to receive, post and reconcile amounts before any fees are paid. Plus, there’s no contract, no setup fees, no hardware rental fees, and no cancellation fees.

Insurance Verification

If you take insurance at your clinic, then you know how frustrating benefit verification can be. To avoid wasting your time on hold with insurance companies, you sign up for our insurance verification service. With this service, a Unified Practice team member will call insurance companies on your behalf to verify patient benefits, saving you time and frustration. Once a patient’s benefit has been verified, you’ll see an automatic status update within your system.

Even if you don’t accept insurance directly, you can offer insurance verification for customers who are interested in superbills. 

Customizing Emails

As you set up your notification preferences, consider customizing each email to fit your clinic. It’s easy to change colors, fonts, and add additional content that’s not currently included in the premade emails. 

For example, consider editing your Thank You email to include text that asks your patients to leave a review on Yelp and/or Google. Within that text, you can easily include the link to your pages so your patient can be sure they are accessing the right pages. 

The important thing to remember is, you can always edit these emails. If you decide in two months you don’t like the way something looks or you think of something else to include, you can edit these emails at any time.

Payment List Report

An extremely helpful tool for editing payments is the payment list report. Instead of going to each patient file, you can go to the “patient list” tab under “billing” and see a comprehensive report of all the payments your clinic has taken. You can filter through these payments by patient name, date, and if the patient or insurance was the payer. In this same list you, you can edit payments, process refunds, or void insurance checks. By using this list to edit and reconcile your payments, you’ll save a lot of time and clicking around. 

Learn more about how to use these Unified Practice features, check out our Help Center.

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