The Scope of your Practice is Wider Than you Think

The Scope of your Practice is Wider Than you Think

  • Unified Practice
  • November 17, 2020
  • 2 Min. To Read

As we continue to navigate the ever changing COVID-19 landscape, we are realizing the need for flexibility and fluidity. Our industry has been dramatically impacted by the stay at home orders and need for social distancing, so how can you continue to run your clinic and serve your patients?

The first wave of shutdowns put a halt to operations across the country, but statistics show us that many clinics were able to bounce back. Without knowing exactly what the second wave of COVID-19 will look like, we wanted to make sure you were prepared to continue to treat patients, even if in-person treatments are less frequent.

Unified Practice’s biggest initiative after the onset of COVID was providing an updated practice management system to support remote treatments. You may be asking, “how can I offer virtual appointments to my patients when my role is to physically practice acupuncture on them?” We understand the concern, but also want to remind you that the scope of your practice is likely wider than you think. 

As part of your expertise, you may be a registered dietician, licensed massage therapist, certified in functional medicine, a fertility specialist, a physical therapist – whatever it may be, we encourage you to expand on these skill sets, and offer a variety of touch points with your patients. Recommend telehealth appointments to discuss acupressure, diet plans, workout regimens, guides to meditation, and sessions to discuss herbal supplement options. Any opportunity to connect with your patients, especially during this time, allows continued interaction and relationship building. Strengthen your relationships as much as you can, even during a time of distance and unknowns. 

The Ins and Outs of Telehealth

Introducing telehealth to your clinic may seem overwhelming, but we have put together a number of resources to help you transition to this new offering. 

Need ideas for transitioning appointments toward remote treatments? Check out the videos below!

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