Get Your Workday Back: How One Clinic Saves Hours a Week with Unified Practice

Get Your Workday Back: How One Clinic Saves Hours a Week with Unified Practice

  • Unified Practice
  • September 11, 2019
  • 5 Min. To Read

Andrew Clark, L.Ac, LMT, DAOM has been practicing Chinese Medicine for five years. Clark and his partner Marielle Ceresa opened up a successful private practice in DUMBO, Brooklyn before recently moving to New England and starting a Chinese Medicine practice in Dover, New Hampshire: Upright Acupuncture & Wellness.

Clark has been using Unified Practice since opening up his first private practice in Brooklyn and across two clinics has experienced specific benefits, such as:

  • Organizing patient care to save time and provide higher quality care
  • Spending on average five minutes more with every patient, leading to 8+ hours of extra time with patients each week
  • Opening up a new clinic location and saving 1-2 months of set-up time
  • Appearing more professional, especially towards patients used to EHRs in a Western medical setting

About Upright Acupuncture & Wellness

What makes Upright Acupuncture & Wellness different is the clinic’s holistic approach to Chinese Medicine. The team offers not only acupuncture, but also herbal medicine, bodywork/massage, and QiGong to patients. With a deep focus on personalized and integrative care, the goal of Upright Acupuncture & Wellness is to be a part of a patient’s health and wellness journey and help improve the overall picture of one’s medical care.​​ Both Clark and Ceresa have advanced training in a wide array of acupuncture techniques, which allows them to address unique and specific needs of each and every patient. Upright opened up in April 2019 and is founded on a passion to treat modern-day issues with proven medicine refined over thousands of years. 

How Unified Practice Helped

There really is no “before” story for Clark, since he has been using Unified Practice since opening up his first private practice. 

“I first heard about it when doing research on EHRs while I was in school, and Unified Practice popped up pretty high on the list,” he explains. “Then when I was building a business model in Brooklyn I came back looking for online booking platforms. There was a lot I found problematic about other systems, and then I remembered Unified Practice and heard that a bunch of friends had used it successfully. So I tried it out. There were parts that were exactly what I was looking for.”

From Brooklyn, New York to Dover, New Hampshire, here are the biggest benefits Upright Acupuncture & Wellness has received from using Unified Practice:

Linking Organization With Care to Save Time and Provide Higher Quality Care

When I have to separate care and organization — that’s when I have to start doing more,” says Clark.

Unified Practice’s ability to connect booking with charting and automated reminders has been, in his words, “the most powerful aspect.” For example, Clark had a patient back in Brooklyn on a lot of different medications. When the clinic was in a particular busy season, he admits it could have been easy to let certain things slide, like double checking her medications and allergies before recommending certain herbs. 

“With Unified Practice now in front of me, everytime I see a patient I just need to do three quick clicks to have all the information I need in one place. In terms of this particular patient, it allowed me to review all of our history and all her medical files really quickly. It saves me time and helps provide accurate care.”

Spending On Average Five Minutes More With Every Patient, Leading to 8+ Hours of Extra Time With Patients Each Week

From scheduling and on-boarding forms to medical history and intake templates, Clark has found that Unified Practice allows him to do all the things he wants to do for his patients a lot faster. 

“I estimate on average I probably spend five more minutes with each patient because I don’t have to do all of this extra work. And when our clinic sees over 100 patients a week, that’s a lot of extra care given because of ease.” (Over eight hours, in fact!)

clinic opening picture

Opening Up a New Clinic Location and Saving 1-2 Months of Set-Up Time

Speaking of saving time, Clark explains how Unified Practice allowed his team to open up Upright Acupuncture & Wellness much faster, with many thanks to the variety of templates offered in Unified Practice versus having to create forms and processes from scratch. 

“The way that the formatting is already done … that there are templates that you can fit your information into .. Unified Practice helped us come online 1-2 months earlier than from scratch. That right there is high up on our list as to why Unified Practice it is exactly the right fit for us — it allowed us to not have to rebuild everything.”

Appearing More Professional, Especially Towards Patients Used to EHRs in a Western Medical Setting

The final Unified Practice value-add that has crossed Clark’s mind lately is looking and feeling professional. He guesses that providing an integrated experience to patients, between billing, charts, and scheduling, looks a lot more professional than using various systems and piles of paper. And we’d have to agree! 

“Especially my patients who are used to integrated EHRs in their western medical settings … that professional appearance to my patients is very much a value to us.”

What’s Next 

Clark and his team have an exciting road ahead of them as their business continues to grow and evolve. If you find yourself in or near Dover, NH, check out their new clinic and say hello. To celebrate the opening of their practice, first-timers receive $40 off the initial 1.5 hour Initial Intake & Treatment.

If you want to see how Unified Practice can help grow your practice, save you time, or help increase revenue, get started today. 

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